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For telecom carriers
Russian version of the page

For telecom carriers

Russian version of the page

Your upgrade to a new level of a carrier business:

We will help you build or expand your own data network, get backbone access to Internet, expand reach of telephone network and optimize communication quality. You will be able to offer additional services for your clients: 8 800 number, IP television, allocated communication channels.

Beeline is already working with telecom carriers in more than 100 countries all over the world and strives to expand partnerships.

  • 107K km
    of your own FOCL

  • 150+
    MPLS nodes

  • 24/7
    monitoring and support


  • Integration and transmission of voice traffic in a telephone network

    Local, zoned, long-distance and international levels

  • Affiliate program on telephone traffic transmission

    Stable income for beeline communication services distributors

  • Affiliate program on distribution of «8 800 Number» service

    Remuneration for connecting new customers to the «8 800 Number» service

  • IP-transit Internet exchange

    High-speed high-quality Internet

  • Virtual private network (VPN)

    A single network for all the branches and all the carrier's communication nodes

  • Multicast

    Ensure high quality of the TV signal

  • OutSORMing

    Connection to technical facilities of the System for Operative Investigative Activities (SORM)

  • Organization of communication channels

    Secure traffic transmission between remote nodes

  • Channel leasing exchange

    Monitoring of beeline orders for communication channels leasing

Увеличьте карту
Russian hubs
European and Asian network VimpelCom
Foreign hubs
European and Chinese transit network
Cross-border transitions
Satellite communication
Network in Russia
Become a beeline partner

Select the services you need

Enable voice interconnection, data transfer and communication channels provisioning services. All services meet high quality standards.


Develop your business

Expand capabilities of your telephone network with no extra expenses, receive additional income by transmitting traffic from and to your network.


Get backbone access

Maximize performance of data transfer on long distances. Beeline network is integrated into networks of Russian and international carriers.


Go to foreign markets

Create your own international network. Beeline collaborates with carriers in more than 100 countries and works at the largest traffic exchange points.

Request consultation

By pressing «Request consultation», you accept personal data processing policy